ASD or Autism spectrum syndrome is a defect in the neurological functioning of a body. According to World Health Organization, one in 160 children gets affected by this syndrome. This syndrome starts showing its symptoms from a very early age. However, the symptom persists till that person reach adulthood.
In this condition, the child finds it quite difficult to socially interact with people. It makes them feel isolated and they cut themselves off from the society. This also influences their speech and communication skills. It is followed by anxiety, depression, ADHD, as well as epilepsy. An autistic person’s intellectual skills may vary. It is found that they are incredible in calculating numbers and mental math. [2] The auditory issues can generate a number of problems, however, there are ways in which the patients start taking interests in public interaction. The auditory processing disorder affects 5% of the children in school.
The main factor that makes a person autistic are the environmental parameters as well as the genetic factors. However, this condition can be repaired or improved. The treatment provided by the healthcare professional is different to each autistic person. It entirely depends on the person and its condition. The therapist might enable the child affected with speech therapy and behavioral analyst. However, sound therapy or auditory integration therapy is one of the popular therapies in practice today for the children affected by autism. The auditory disorders list might be endless, however, they can be treated to some extent. The auditory processing disorder
The main factor that makes a person autistic are the environmental parameters as well as the genetic factors. However, this condition can be repaired or improved. The treatment provided by the healthcare professional is different to each autistic person. It entirely depends on the person and its condition. The therapist might enable the child affected with speech therapy and behavioral analyst. However, sound therapy or auditory integration therapy is one of the popular therapies in practice today for the children affected by autism. The auditory disorders list might be endless, however, they can be treated to some extent. The auditory processing disorder classroom modifications would help the teachers to recover the students in their daily classroom activities.
Sound therapy is a home-based therapy. It requires only a pair of headphones and a particular series of musical notes. It may also contain poems or stories, whatever helps your child to soothe down. This enables your child to focus on their surroundings. This enables their ear muscle to adopt changes in a way that helps to concentrate. This enables the child to develop a way to respond to things in a better and a more precise way.
Headphones are extremely important for this purpose. This will permit your child to concentrate on the music only. Moreover, you will have to make sure that the volume of the music is as low as possible.
Music, as well as stories, play an important role in helping your child develop better responses. Music does not allow the behavior of your child to improve, however, it also permits them to improve their mental state. It is recommended to go for rhymes that encourage your child to recite with it as well. Mostly, classical music is recommended that will help your child to calm themselves down. This will enable your child to develop more expression as they speak. You may allow your child to listen to these recitals for about thirty minutes to an hour every day. Make sure you select the same time each day. This will make them prepared and enjoy this activity. [3]
Daytime vs nighttime sound therapy:
Get your child a portable mp4 that will help them move around and perform other activities as well. However, at daytime, a number of other activities might interfere with the therapy. Due to this fact, it is preferable to start this therapy at night.
You may enable your child to listen to the music or the stories whatever you settled on before they go to sleep. They mostly start by using pronouns, like I or you. The auditory processing disorder in toddlers can be treated by only a pair of headphones. If your child does not like headphones, you may consider the following options:
• Surgical pore
• I pillow
Here are some of the ways for auditory dyslexia treatment to treat an autistic child:
• They develop an interest and make effort to interact with their environment.
• They start showing affection towards their family.
• They develop the ability to look into the eye of the person they are referring or talking to.
• It also helps them to develop speech skills and enable them to formulate sentences rather than babbling.
• It also helps them decide that how appropriately they should react emotionally in different situations.