Why should we drink more water?
Water is a vital part of Life. Not only human life, but all forms of life. We humans are made up of 70 percent...
Food + Recipes
Tips for a healthy breakfast for people with diabetes and heart...
Our lives have become busier than ever. Work has consumed most of our day and hence we do not know how to maintain a...
Reversing diabetes with a vegan diet
There are a total of 371 million people affected by diabetes. The toll has increased every year and it has been expected that the...
Food and Fitness
8 super foods for long term weight loss
So apparently, there is a difference between the foods and nutrients that rapidly melt down your body fat, (you regain it once you go...
Smart And Healthy Ways To Lose Weight
Most of us have been at that stage of life where no matter how hard we have tried to lose weight but it just...
Food and Nutrition
The Amazing properties of Papaya seeds
Papaya is a fruit commonly grown in many parts of the world. We may or may not like it in terms of taste, but...
Foods to cure uric acid
Uric acid is the waste product caused by the breakdown of purines; crystalline composites in specific foods. Under natural circumstances, uric acid passes out...
Proteins; the building blocks of life
Proteins; the building blocks of life
We’ve read it everywhere; proteins are important for the body. But have you ever wondered why? Proteins are often...
Stress fighting foods
Stress is observed in most households nowadays. We see almost everyone facing some sort of stress. It’s taken as a norm now but bear...
7 Nutrient for Healthy Hair
Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the human body and also the most attractive one! Hair is proven to be one of the...
Benefits of yogurt for female health and mind
Whether it be frozen yogurt to be savored as a dessert, or plain yogurt to be used as a nutritious staple; yogurt has always...